
Viva Rio was born from outrage at violence.
The peace we pursue relies on freedom, inclusion and respect.

A lot has changed since the demonstration against violence that stopped the city back in 1995 and gave rise to Viva Rio. The movement has become a social enterprise and we have diversified our actions and expanded our reach, but peacebuilding remains one of our core values.

Viva Rio seeks to influence political and administrative structures to ensure human rights and foster a culture of peace. Over the years, we have been demanding solutions, producing extensive material with insights and technical analyses and supporting the development of alternatives for a more humane security policy. 

We appreciate the relationship we have built with the police forces since the beginning of our activities. We have been working together for over 20 years, from projects that create technological solutions to football matches between police officers and members of favelas, not to mention our proximity policing courses. At the same time, we have a network of direct connections with community leaders living in violent areas of the city.

Experience has taught us how to earn trust, solve conflicts through dialogue and make joy a powerful weapon. From Haiti to Rocinha, Viva Rio guides its actions by respect and responsibility towards the people.

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